Mentor and contributor - CC BY-SA 2.0 Josef Dabernig

Mentor Summit - American Timezones

Rachel Lawson
Rachel Lawson Contribution Mentor



Register/Login to this website and then Click the Enroll button in the sidebar. You will then be registered and can return here on 17th September where you will find a big red Join Meeting button in the sidebar. Come in and join us!

You will also find a “add this to my calendar” option above so you don’t forget.



The schedule is below, all in PDT:

Main Stage

1000 Introductions, why we mentor, how we organise – Rachel Lawson

Mentoring Tools and Processes

1030 Core Contribution Mentoring process at Traditional DrupalCon Events – Matthew Radcliffe

1130 Core Contribution Mentoring process at Virtual DrupalCon Events – Rachel Lawson and Matthew Radcliffe

1200 Issue queue triage – AmyJune Hineline

Mentoring Activities

1300 Discover Drupal Program – Angie Sabin

1330 Become a Part of Drupal’s Growth: The Promote Drupal Initiative – Pierina Wetto

Mentoring Futures

1400 Issue Forks and Merge Requests Demo – Tim Lehnen

1430 DrupalPod - Start Drupal Contributions with 1 Click – Ofer Shaal

1500 Training, Testing and Contribution Templates – Salim Lakhani


1530 Wrapup and joining the next contribution event – Matthew Radcliffe